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SAVE THE DATE for the 18th IATSO Conference

Poznan, Poland


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in Poznan, Poland, from August 26th - August 28th, 2025

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Abstract Submission - IATSO 2025


Problematic and harmful sexual behaviour and autism spectrum disorder - implications for practice

Carol Carson


Due to Practitioners, internationally, reporting rising numbers of children and young people on their caseloads who are either diagnosed or possibly autistic and where there are also concerns about their sexual behaviours, there was an identified need for practice guidance on assessment and interventions regarding autism and problematic/harmful sexual behaviours. 

This workshop will provide an overview of Carol Carson’s research PhD and her Practice Guidance on Autism and Problematic/Harmful Sexual Behaviours. The Practice Guidance looks at the implications for practice and the need for a proportionate, balanced approach. The focus is on understanding the individual and the Practice Guidance includes a tool for creating individual autistic profiles and provides suggestions for how practice can be adapted. to facilitate their understanding and engagement in the process.