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Poznan, Poland


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Abstract Submission - IATSO 2025


Technology-assisted harmful sexual behaviour among children and adolescents - understanding and intervening

Jennifer Allotey


Children and young people are growing up in a digital world which brings many benefits but is also an area in which they can harm and be harmed. This interactive workshop will explore types of technology-assisted harmful sexual behaviour (TA HSB) displayed by children and adolescents, with both vulnerability and risk considered.  A summary of the research base will be presented, with space for discussion on recognising and responding to TA HSB.  

Prevention of TA HSB will be considered with reference to cyber-safety and safety planning. The focus will then move to assessment and intervention when TA HSB has taken place.  


Jennifer Allotey, BSc, BA, MSc is a Social Worker and Forensic Psychologist in Training. She has worked with children, adolescents and adults that have displayed harmful sexual behaviour for over twenty years in a variety of clinical settings within both custody and the community.  Jennifer is co-author of the AIM & NSPCC Technology Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour Practice Guidance and delivers training nationally and internationally for the AIM Project.  Jennifer is currently completing her doctoral thesis exploring trauma and harmful sexual behaviour.